Words from our advisor

ZELIANGRONG PUNE came into being decades ago under the patronage of senior members of Zeliangrongpui community residing in Pune city under the motto of ‘UNITY IN DIVERSITY’.

ZELIANGRONG PUNE was formed with the sole objective of looking into the wellbeing of the Zeliangrongpui students’ community & job seekers coming to the city from the states of Manipur, Assam & Nagaland.

In pursuit of the motto, ZELIANGRONG PUNE Executives are ever ready to help & assist the students & job seekers coming to Pune city.
Therefore the Executives/seniors strongly urge the students/youngsters coming to the city to be a part of the extended Zeliangrongpui family by reporting & enrolling themselves as members of ZELIANGRONG PUNE.

Take note, besides numerous opportunities & avenues Pune city has to offer, one mustn’t also forget the unhealthy environment & the dark sides of Pune city. Therefore, parents back home are advised to gather prior informations & take all the necessary precautions before sending their wards to city to study or find jobs.

Hence, prior contact or discussion with the Executives of ZELIANGRONG PUNE is strongly recommended whose contact numbers are provided herein before parents decides to send their wards to different parts of the country lest children fall victims of unforeseen & critical situation mainly due to the ignorance and sometimes due to sheer negligence of parents & their wards.

Hence, freshers or youngsters coming to the city are urged to keep in touch with the Executives of ZELIANGRONG PUNE and remain integrated to the community for any assistance & to remain safe & secured from any unpleasant situations that may arise.

Besides looking into the wellbeing of our community in Pune, ZELIANGRONG PUNE envisages real unity of Zeliangrongpui community in view of diversity on linguistic line in order to build a strong & vibrant ‘Nation Community’ so that we are equipped to lead our people from the forefront to achieve our dreams & aspirations to live as one people as envisioned & pioneered by our patriotic leaders – HAIPOU JADONNANG & RANI GAIDINLIU.